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Come Forth! O Sons of God!


Jesus is the altogether lovely One. When He walked this earth in human form He was altogether unlike anyone who had ever lived before. He was quite different in so many ways – many that perhaps you have never thought about.

For example: Did you ever notice that Jesus never withdrew a word or modified a statement in His life? Which of us can say the same? He never apologized for anything He said. Which of us can make the same claim? There was no misstatement, no half-truth. Why? What He uttered was truth itself because HE WAS THE INCARNATE TRUTH.

This wonderful article was written by J. Preston Eby. While not associated with his ministry or even agreeing with or holding to his many beliefs, I wholly agree with THIS article as being the plan of God for His children.

Did you ever notice that Jesus never sought advice? Even Moses the lawgiver had his counselors; and Solomon, the wisest of them all, had those from whom he sought counsel and advice. But Jesus had none. In fact, He never went to any school of higher learning. That which He had received of His Father He gave unto us.

Occasionally, someone had the temerity to offer Him advice which was peremptorily refused on every occasion. Yet, does not the Bible say that in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom? Yes, when one is as ignorant as we are, so ignorant that we have no earthly cure for our ignorance, then, indeed, we need counselors. But Jesus is INCARNATE WISDOM. “Behold, a greater than Solomon is here,” He said (Mat. 12:42). Can you imagine that? Solomon? The wisest man that ever lived? Jesus very calmly said it in such a way that few people even so much as raised an eyebrow because from Jesus’ lips the words seemed absolutely natural.

Jesus never confessed a sin. This is absolutely astonishing! It is axiomatic in the spiritual realm that the holiest of men have been those who were most conscious of their sin and guilt. Job was brought to absolute desperation when God appeared to him. Isaiah abhorred himself when he saw the living God and said, “I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips” (Isa. 6:5).

Peter said, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man” (Lk. 5:8). And Paul said, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” (I Tim. 1:15). Jesus confessed no sin for one very simple reason: Unlike anyone of us He had none. Though tempted in all ways such as we are, He was yet without sin.

Further, Jesus never troubled to explain any of His frequent ambiguous conduct. When word was brought to Jesus that Lazarus, His good friend, was sick, what did He do? Did He rush to his side to help him? No, He remained right where He was for three days, until Lazarus died. Then belatedly, He appeared and His appearance evoked from the broken heart of Lazarus’ sister these heart-rending words: “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother would not have died” (Jn. 11:21).

Warrior of Righteousness

Warrior of Righteousness

No explanation. No apology. Not a word! “Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” (Jn. 11:40). “Lazarus, come forth!” (Jn. 11:43). He just allowed time and the unfolding plan of God to justify all that He did. Jesus was asleep in the back of a boat in the midst of a storm with waves breaking over the railings, filling the ship. “Master carest Thou not that we perish?” No word of explanation, just the command, “Peace! Be still!” and the waves ceased their raging.

Jesus never asked and never permitted prayer for Himself. You may recall the time in Gethsemane on the night before His crucifixion. He gathered together His apostles and asked them to pray. But note well, my friends, His words: “Watch and pray (for yourselves) that YE enter not into temptation” (Lk. 23:40). Why did He not ask for our prayers? Why did He never permit anyone to pray for Him? Why did He not even pray with His disciples? Why did He always go off to pray alone? Very simply: He did not need anyone’s prayers! He did not need them and He did not want them. Why? Because Jesus of Nazareth is THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD! As the Father has life in Himself, so has He given to the Son to have life in Himself.

Can you imagine Jesus, on the road to Samaria, sitting down on a rock by the wayside and calling to Peter, James, and John, saying, “Boys, I want you to come over here and pray for Me. I really need to be ministered to today, I need help, I need your strength. Ever since we left Galilee the old devil has really been after me. This depression has hit Me and I want you to lay your hands upon Me and rebuke this thing. It started last week when the Father showed Me that Judas is going to betray Me. I’ve been so upset ever since, Satan wants to use that to beat Me over the head. Some other things have been bothering Me lately and this physical condition isn’t helping any. If I don’t get the victory soon I won’t be able to minister in Samaria, but I know its just the devil fighting Me!”

Do you think those disciple ever had to encourage Jesus, or lay hands on Him, or counsel Him, or rebuke the devil from Him, or minister to Him? Jesus said, “The Son of man CAME NOT TO BE MINISTERED UNTO, but to minister, and to give His life” (Mat. 20:28). Jesus did not come to receive life for HE WAS LIFE. He did not come to receive life but to GIVE LIFE. He HAD LIFE IN HIMSELF even as the Father had life in Himself. Within that life was contained every element of victory, righteousness, and power He could ever need. If He needed power the power was in the life. If He needed encouragement, the encouragement was in the life. If He needed wisdom the wisdom was in the life. This is a nature and a life that is not dependent upon anything without, for it is a self-existent life, not requiring sustenance, not derived from another, not drawing from anything, all-sufficient, abundant and unchanging life!

My spirit rejoices today in thankfulness to my Father in heaven that many years ago He let me hear a secret from His own heart, a secret that few in our generation have understood. When He breathed into my listening heart, my whole being was charged and my entire life and ministry changed, for I could never be the same after hearing His words: JESUS IS THE PATTERN SON!

I was thunderstruck by these words because they revealed to my spirit that the purpose of God is not to save us from hell and take us to heaven, but to bring a vast company of Sons into vital relationship with the Father, conforming each and every one of them into the same image of that firstborn Son, TO BE LIKE HIM IN EVERY RESPECT. “For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29).

LIKE HIM? CONFORMED TO HIS IMAGE? ARRIVING AT THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULLNESS OF THE CHRIST? A SON OF GOD? O our Father! Be pleased to open the eyes of Thy children that they may see to what a high and holy calling Thou hast called them in Thy Son.

Ah – if Jesus did not change, then these Sons must come to the place where they do not change. If Jesus never apologized, because He never spoke or did anything wrong, the Sons must also come to the place where they do no wrong. If Jesus received all His wisdom and knowledge from the indwelling Father, the Sons, too, must receive all wisdom and knowledge from the Father within. If Jesus did not sin, the Sons must not sin. If Jesus never needed to be encouraged, the Sons must become so triumphant in His life that they do not need to be encouraged. If Jesus did not need to be prayed for, or ministered unto, the Sons also must so grow up into Him, needing not to be continually ministered to, but ministering and pouring out HIS LIFE to those about. If Jesus always had the victory, the Sons, too, must always have the victory. If Jesus lived every moment by the life of the Father, then the Sons must also live victoriously by the life of the Father.

The PATTERN SON. How awesome! LIKE HIM. What a challenge! What were the strong points of this Pattern Son? He did not have any…. not a one! To have a strong point you must have a weak point and Jesus did not have any weak points. Other men are noted for some one faculty or talent. Moses was the meekest of all men. Job was the patient one, but Jesus was altogether lovely in every way…the meekest, most humble, most patient, most loving, most gracious, most courageous, firmest, wisest, everything. The incomparable symmetry of the perfections of Jesus Christ. What a balance He had!

And this glorious Personage is not something unique in the universe, He is the PATTERN by which your life and mine is being designed! He is the firstborn of an entirely new race of men, the SONS OF THE LIVING GOD. He is the High Priest of our profession, the Head of a great Kingdom of Priests unto God! “He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked” (I Jn. 2:6).

How can you identify a Son of God? How can you pick one out of a crowd of Christians? How can God’s Royal Priesthood be known? I will tell you! They HAVE LIFE IN THEMSELVES! Only one who has life in himself, only one who is the offspring of Jehovah, the self-existent One, can be an overcomer. There was One who perfectly walked in this realm and OVERCAME ALL THINGS. Upon Him rested the fullness of the Spirit of Jehovah, the Spirit of SELF-EXISTENT LIFE. He walked like Jehovah. There was no broken-footedness about Him.

Let me present this glorious company of overcomers, the priesthood of God, even those who have life in themselves. These are they who have discovered the river of life flowing from deep within their own beings, life full, abundant, and triumphant! They are never discouraged by any situation, nor upset by any circumstance. They are constant – not “up” one day and “down” the next. You do not find them standing in anybody’s prayer line. They are always encouraging others, but never needing to be encouraged. They pray for others, but never have prayer requests of their own. They minister to many, but do not stop to be ministered to. They are not offended by what others say or do. They are not depressed or burdened. They are not fearful, worried, or confused. They are not upset or angry with anyone.

They don’t quit when the going gets rough. They do not tell you how the old devil has been fighting them, in fact, they don’t talk about the devil at all, for he no longer exists for these victorious ones! They don’t talk about their problems. They are not sad, sorrowful, or downcast – regardless how dark things seem. The word of Christ dwells in them richly. They have been given a new song, even praise unto their God!

Spiritual Guerrilla Warrior

Spiritual Guerrilla Warrior

They walk daily in wisdom and understanding, in confidence and faith, in the conscious awareness of the Father’s plan and will, they always have the victory, are always positive, always rejoicing in the Lord. They walk tall and strong. They walk straight. There are no ups and downs in their walk. They are constant. They press forward toward the goal, rejoicing in expectation of the glory of God. They are not broken-footed. They walk in the Steps of their Master. They are without blemish, these priests of God! Ah, you can be a Christian and be broken-footed, you can even be a Spirit-filled Christian and have a broken foot. You can teach Sunday School, pass out tracts, win souls, and do many wonderful works and have a broken foot. BUT YOU CAN NEVER BE A PRIEST WITH A BROKEN FOOT!

How can one minister deliverance to another if he is bound himself? How can one furnish encouragement if he is himself discouraged? How can one impart joy when he is sad? How can one supply faith when he is fearful? How can one lift another when he is himself bogged down in the slough of despondency? How can peace be bestowed by a soul filled with anguish? How can righteousness be communicated by one with an evil heart? How can victory be given by the defeated? How can strength be ministered by the weak? Oh! the world so desperately needs priests! All creation groans for a people who can manifest and demonstrate IN THEIR STATE OF BEING the life and love and nature and power of God.

Beloved! as in the presence of God, who has said unto you, “Ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests,” and of Christ Jesus, who gave Himself that you might apprehend this high calling of God, I charge you that you do not refuse the call of God’s messenger, but enroll yourself among those who accept it: “Thou hast made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign over the earth.”

Only such a priesthood can restore all back into God again, delivering creation from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Arise, O Sons of God, let us not sell creation short!

Sons Of God


Brother John

My name is simply Brother John. Saved and delivered by Jesus Christ just before my 16th birthday, nothing better could have happened to me in my entire life! Read a little more about my encounter with Christ here: Satan Taught Me... https://brotherjohn.org/satan-taught-me-jesus-mastered-me/ .... When I see that something has blessed me in one way or the other, then I want everybody to hear it and get blessed as much, if not much more. I worship with other believers at the The Platts Road Fellowship. In the truest sense of it, BrotherJohn.org is now more than the personal blog of the person who started it, it has evolved into a TEAM of some world-wide believers, who prefer to remain anonymous. This blog has one purpose: give you practical steps in walking with God. The steps can be found in the fresh Letters From God.

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  1. Amoke October 5, 2015

    Hi Brother John, it is my desire to be a Son of God and God will help me to reach this higher calling. But is it wrong for me to ask for prayer or should I deal directly with God?

    1. Brother John October 5, 2015

      Beautiful question. Again, let us look at the THE Son of God, who is the perfect example for the sons of God. While there is no harm in asking for prayers, but in the matter, no one prayed for Jesus to become the Son of God. But there were some people praying for the manifestation of The Son of God in the form of Anna and Simeon (John 2:25-38). However, Jesus Himself just walked as the Son. The walk with God is by FAITH. You got born again by faith. You experienced the Holy Spirit by faith and the “tabernacling” of God is also by faith. So, manifesting sonship is by faith – John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”
      In essence, the manifestation of sonship is also the revelation of the Christ WITHIN you. It comes to the fore when you allow Him to gain control of your SOUL (intellect, mind, emotions, will).


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