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This was a conversation between and atheist named “Corey” and myself on YouTube.

Atheist Corey:
In the realm of what we know to be real (our own lives until we die) that sacrifice doesn’t claim to do squat right? So all the claims that our sins are washed away don’t take affect until we die correct? Wow thanks lord god for trying to make us believe so seriously unbelievable stuff… If anything (if you are right about jesus) when I die he is going to be like “you secular people are among the brightest, I have deep respect for you because how could I expect intelligent people such as yourself to believe that crazy shit. You may enter the magical kingdom!”

Brother John:
Understanding will make the difference. That is why God is wise and Man is foolish – he always thinks he is more intelligent than the Creator because of his tiny knowledge, which does not span beyond his environment.

Life Challenge

Life Challenge

Sin brought death into the world. Death means the absence of God or detachment from God. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” [Leviticus 17:11] The perfect life is in God; God’s life cannot suffer or experience death because God cannot sin. The blood of animals was not perfect to become a substitute or give life back to the dying Man. So, God decided to use His own ENDLESS life so as to give life back to Man. It is akin to resuscitation. God gave life back to Man in order to destroy death in him.

So, are atheists more intelligent? No, atheists are not smarter or more intelligent, they just make their brains think backwardly when it should be advancing. I would like to conclude with a tweeted quote from Trevor Noah:

Christ & Christopher Hitchens

Christ & Christopher Hitchens

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” [Leviticus 17:11]


Brother John

My name is simply Brother John. Saved and delivered by Jesus Christ just before my 16th birthday, nothing better could have happened to me in my entire life! Read a little more about my encounter with Christ here: Satan Taught Me... https://brotherjohn.org/satan-taught-me-jesus-mastered-me/ .... When I see that something has blessed me in one way or the other, then I want everybody to hear it and get blessed as much, if not much more. I worship with other believers at the The Platts Road Fellowship. In the truest sense of it, BrotherJohn.org is now more than the personal blog of the person who started it, it has evolved into a TEAM of some world-wide believers, who prefer to remain anonymous. This blog has one purpose: give you practical steps in walking with God. The steps can be found in the fresh Letters From God.

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