The artificial intelligence revolution has taken the world by storm – as a Christian, what is your place in the revolution and how do you respond to it? A photonic quantum computer can complete a ...
Another way of understanding that is: this machine transports you into a spiritual world, allows you to interact with the unseen beings (spirits) and you can assimilate intelligence (knowledge) from them and use such in ...
Wooed, Pulled, Begged, Courted, Persuaded are just a few words one can use to describe the incessant ways the Lord has used to draw away His people from Jezebel’s entrapment. These are His beloved for whom He ...
TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK…… Can you hear that?…… Time is running out! Judgement Day is Looming! While it is not my intention to cause you a friction in the wrong place, I believe it is ...
Heaven makes a stern declaration to the Inhabitants of the Earth: “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil has come down unto you, having great wrath, because he ...