THAT MANY PERSONS FIND THE BIBLE HARD to understand will not be denied by those acquainted with the facts. Testimony to the difficulties encountered in Bible reading is too full and too widespread to be ...
WILL ROGERS ONCE OPINED that a sure way to prevent war would be to abolish peace conferences. Of course Will, as usual, had his tongue in his cheek; he meant only to poke fun at ...
MOST OF THE WORLD’S GREAT SOULS have been lonely. Loneliness seems to be one price the saint must pay for his saintliness. In the morning of the world (or should we say, in that strange ...
“…. so what do you think about 1 John 5:7-8? This verse is not found in any manuscripts dating before the 15th century and appears to be added later?” – Matt Zucker. I replied: This is ...
Why do we always like to shift responsibility for our failings to God? Adam failed in the Garden and he blamed God because of the helper he was given and even Eve refused to take ...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is either … the greatest event, or the greatest fraud — in history! Did Jesus Christ actually rise from the dead? Dr. Greenleaf, the Royal Professor of Law at Harvard ...
Did you click on the above image and watched the video? If not, please do so before reading. Do I have a mental disability or an eye problem? Perhaps it is that of misjudgement or ...
In the hand of the devil, they become quite like lambs, they learn the Christian way of life, adopt their values and speak their lingo. Subtle but devastating; this is why Satan loves them.
How many prisoners have you seen or heard about of late? One, two, a thousand? Whatever the case, there are always prisoners, isn’t it? Are you one of them? “You say Me?” Yes – you. ...